Monday, January 9, 2017

Working Out After a Day Off

Yesterday I shared a bit about my fitness endeavors.  I talked about MyFitnessPal (the app) and the different exercises I've done along the way.  I like the idea of adding a little journaling to the process right here on my blog.  It seems that so much of getting healthy is mental.  

This mental aspect is on my mind because today, is the the day after, a day off.  A couple of weeks ago I decided I would give myself one day off a week.  I felt like my muscles needed a recovery day particularly since I've started doing exercises that are more challenging for me as well as longer runs.  I guess I should be more specific.  I do 25 minutes of a bodyweight bootcamp 6 days a week, and I run three times a week - 2 shorter runs (4 to 6 miles) and one longer one (8+).

I think I was spot on about the muscle recovery, but what I did not consider was how having a day off would affect my mental state.  The thing about daily exercise is that you get used to it.  You know it's coming and you know you'll get through it.  After taking yesterday off, I'm rather fixated on the fact that I'm running later today.  Can I still go the same distance?  How will I feel?  

One day off and I'm suffering a crisis in confidence.  A recovery day for my muscles has become a breakdown day for my brain. I imagine after my run, I'll be singing a different tune.  After all, I got through my morning workout just fine.  Still, it makes me wonder if I'll feel this way every Monday.  If so, is a day off worth it?  

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